Following an unprecedented vote on 4 December 2018, MPs decided that the UK government had ignored Parliament by refusing to give Parliament all the legal advice it had received on the impact of its proposed withdrawal conditions. [29] The key point of the Recommendation concerned the legal effect of the „backstop” agreement for Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the UK with regard to the EU-UK customs border and its impact on the Good Friday Agreement that had led to an end to the unrest in Northern Ireland – and in particular whether the UK would be safe, to be able to leave the EU in a practical sense, according to the proposed plans. On the 22nd. In October 2019, the House of Commons voted by 329 votes to 299 to give a second reading to the revised withdrawal agreement (negotiated by Boris Johnson earlier this month), but when the accelerated timetable he proposed did not receive the necessary parliamentary support, Johnson announced that the legislation would be suspended. [38] [12] The Declaration on the Future Relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom, also known as the Political Declaration, is a non-binding declaration negotiated and signed in conjunction with the binding and broader Withdrawal Agreement in the context of the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), colloquially known as Brexit, and the planned end of the transition period. The Withdrawal Agreement comprises 185 articles, three protocols and nine annexes. The agreement is divided into six parts. The European Union also agreed to ratify the agreement on 29 January 2020[40] and the Council of the European Union approved the conclusion of the agreement by email on 30 January 2020[41]. [42] Accordingly, the European Union also deposited its instrument of ratification of the Agreement on 30 January 2020, which concluded the Agreement[43] and allowed it to enter into force at 23.m GMT on 31 January 2020 at the time of the United Kingdom`s withdrawal from the Union. As regards the Irish border issue, a Northern Ireland Protocol (the „backstop”) annexed to the Agreement sets out a fallback position that will only enter into force if effective alternative arrangements cannot be demonstrated before the end of the transition period. If this happens, the UK will follow the EU`s common external tariff and Northern Ireland will retain some aspects of the single market until such a demonstration is achieved. None of the parties can unilaterally withdraw from this customs union.
The aim of this backstop agreement is to avoid a „hard” border in Ireland where customs controls are necessary. [19] Provisions on bilateral cooperation in the areas of citizens` rights, certain products, the environment, police and customs, as well as a bilateral agreement on taxation and the protection of financial interests. If the financial penalty has not been paid within one month or if the panel`s decision is still not complied with after six months, the Withdrawal Agreement allows the complainant to take proportionate measures to suspend elements of the application of the Withdrawal Agreement itself, with the exception of provisions relating to citizens` rights or parts of other EU-UK AGREEMENTS (Article 178, paragraph (2). Such a suspension lasts only until compliance is restored and is subject to review by the arbitration panel (Article 178(3) and (5), Article 179). The Withdrawal Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom sets out the conditions for an orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU in accordance with Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. Finland was represented in the European Council by the Prime Minister and in the General Affairs Council by the Minister for European Affairs. In addition, an ad hoc group on Article 50 has been set up, composed of experts from the Member States, to assist the Council in the withdrawal negotiations. The working group met weekly in Brussels.
On 15 November 2018, one day after the british government cabinet presented and supported the agreement, several members of the government resigned, including Dominic Raab, Secretary of State for Leaving the European Union. [28] The agreement covers issues such as money, civil rights, border arrangements and dispute settlement. It also includes a transition period and an overview of the future relationship between the UK and the EU. It was held on the 14th. It was published in November 2018 and was the result of the Brexit negotiations. The agreement was approved by the heads of state and government of the remaining 27 EU countries[9] and the British government of Prime Minister Theresa May, but met with resistance in the British Parliament, whose approval was required for ratification. The consent of the European Parliament would also have been required. On 15 January 2019, the House of Commons rejected the Withdrawal Agreement by 432 votes to 202.
[10] The House of Commons again rejected the agreement on March 12, 2019 by 391 votes to 242[11] and rejected it a third time on March 29, 2019 by 344 votes to 286. .